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Updated: Jan 27, 2021

Note: The winter factory was a special event in December 2020. It has a default footprint of 24x24 and no limits on synthesizers. However only the four winter items can be produced in there: Ice Cartridge, Empty Cartridge, Crushed Ice and Ice Cubes.

Here is how you can make each of these items:

Below are some of the best outputs builds for each items:

Ice Cartridge

Without Importer: 2.25/s

- Comments: Made by Sadgi

With Importer:


Empty Cartridge:

Without Importer:


- Made by Kuutti<(uik!)

With Importer:


Crushed Ice:

Without Importer:


- Made by Sadgi

With Importer:


Ice Cube:

Without Importer:


- Made by Sadgi

With Importer:

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